Title: Stray Children Scanlators: frozen_yoghurt & shinra_lackey Doujinka: Shou Tensui Pairing: Killua + Gon Warnings: Work Safe Pages: 14 Notes: We finally finished the scanlations. Hope you all enjoy. ^^ Link: http://savefile.com/files/8670868 <-- password in Links section of the FAQ
Title: Stray Children Doujinka: Shou Tensui Scanner/Raw shinra_lackey Pages: 12 Pairing: Killua X Gon Rating: Gen Notes: Available for translation, but not scanlation w/o permission Link: http://www.savefile.com/files/5409071 <-- password in Links section of the FAQ
Title: Flower Doujinka: Ei Itoh Scanner/Raw shinra_lackey Installment: 2 of 2 Pairing: Killua X Kurapika Rating: Teen for some making out Notes: Available for translation, but not scanlation w/o permission Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=24NP4DJR
Title: Flower Doujinka: Ei Itoh Scanner/Raw shinra_lackey Installment: 1 of 2 Pairing: Killua X Kurapika Rating: Teen for some making out Notes: Available for translation, but not scanlation w/o permission